User's Guide: Tool Suite

Release 1.9


  1. Overview
  2. Usage
  3. Installing & Launching
    1. Interactive Mode
    2. CLI Mode
    3. Scripted Mode
      1. Writing Command Scripts
      2. Examples

1) Overview

To facilitate industry-wide adoption and usage of the MovieLabs Digital Distribution Framework, MovieLabs has made available to the industry a suite of free and open-source software that provides several key services:

  • Validation: check the validity of a Avails,Media Manifest, Media Manifest Core, Common Metadata, or Media Entertainment Core (MEC) file.
  • Conversion: converts a Avails file from one format to another

The MDDF Tools are executable packages that are downloadable and provide interactive environments for accessing the various MDDF services. The tools are available as an executable Java jar. This provides access to all implemented MDDF services. The latest version of the mddf-tool jar is available on the MovieLabs mddf GitHub repository.

2) Usage

The tool suite provides three modes of operation:

  • Interactive: provides a GUI to check the validity of one or more MDDF files, correct errors, and/or convert files to other formats.
  • CLI: run from the Command Line Interface (CLI) using arguments
  • Scripted: execution is controlled by a script file. The scripted mode may be used either from a terminal window via command line interface (CLI) or in conjunction with scheduled jobs (e.g., via crontab).

3) Installing & Launching

The tools are available as an executable Java jar. The latest version of the mddf-tool jar is available on the MovieLabs mddf GitHub repository. The mddf-tool jar may be used on any machine that supports Java 1.8 or a more recent jvm. Once the jar file has been downloaded, it may be run using the standard Java command:

java -jar ./{path-to-directory}/mddf-tool-v{version}.jar {args}

3.1) Interactive Mode

To access the tool suite via the interactive GUI, the jar should be run using the -i argument:

java -jar ./{path-to-directory}/mddf-tool-v{version}.jar -i
which will result in the Launcher Panel being displayed:


On start-up the software will periodically check to see if newer releases are available. If so, a notice will be displayed providing information on how to obtain the latest release. Checking for updates takes place at periodic intervals (i.e., approximately twice per month).

The Tool Launcher may be used to select either the Avails Validator/Translator tool or the Manifest Validator tool. [Note: the Manifest Validator is also used to process MMC and MEC files] For detailed instructions on using a specific tool, consult the appropriate tool-specific documentation:

3.2) CLI Mode

The CLI mode may be used to validate one or more MDDF file. Command line options are, therefore, focused mainly on specifying which MDDF file(s) to process and controlling logging output. The following arguments are available:

 -d,--dir <arg>             Process all MDDF files in a directory.
 -f,--file <arg>            Process a single MDDF file.
 -h,--help                  Display this HELP file, then exit
 -i,--interactive           Launch in interactive mode with full UI. When
                           used, this argument will result in all other
                           arguments being ignored.
 -l,--logFile <arg>        Output file for logging.
 -logLevel <arg>           Filter for logging; valid values are:
                           'warn' (DEFAULT)
 -r,--recursive <arg>      [T/F] processing of a directory will be
                           recursive (Default is 'T').
 -s,--script <arg>         Run a script file.
 -v,--verbose              Display log-file entries in terminal window
                           during execution.
 -V,--version              Display software version and build date.
 -X,--exportAll            export valid files in all applicable formats.
 -x <arg>                  export valid files in specified format(s).
                           Multiple formats may be specified separated by
                           commas and requests to export in a format
                           matching the source format are ignored. The
                           formats available are dependent on the type of
                           MDDF file.
                           For AVAILS the following formats may be
                           -- AVAILS_1_7: Excel using v1.7 template.
                           -- AVAILS_1_7_2: Excel using v1.7.2 template.
                           -- AVAILS_2_2: XML using v2.2 schema.
 -xDir,--exportDir <arg>   Directory for exported files (Default is '.') 

Example Usage:

java -jar mddf-tool.jar -f ../sample/MyManifest.xml -v
Validates a single file, prints the log entries to the console, and does not save the log output in a CVS file. Log filtering is not specified so the default level of WARNING or higher is used.

java -jar mddf-tool.jar -d ../sample  logLevel error -l myLogFile
Validates all MDDF files in a directory and filters the log entries to only include those with severity ERROR or higher. processing will include all subdirectories since the '-r' argument is not specified and defaults to 'T'. When completed, the log output will be saved to "./myLogFile.csv".

java -jar mddf-tool-f ./Avail_v1.7.xlsx -xDir ./out -x AVAILS_2_2
Validates a single Avails specified as an Excel spreadsheet using the v1.7 template. If the file is valid it will be converted to an XML file using the v2.2 schema and then saved in the './out' subdirectory.

3.3) Scripted Mode

Validation of multiple MDDF files may be performed using scripts that can specify any of options and settings available thru the CLI. A script may easily be used to process a set of files with specified sub-sets being handled using different options.

3.3.1) Writing Command Scripts

A script file is written using the JSON syntax. The structure for a validation script is as follows:

  • Command: should be specified as validate . The validation command has three OPTIONAL sub-elements followed by a list of Manifests to process.

    • Options in the following sub-elements will apply to all Manifest files that will be processed. These are:
      • pathPrefix : [OPTIONAL] a root folder for locating all Manifest files. The path may be absolute or relative. If relative, the location of the script file is the starting point for resolving the full path to each Manifest file or folder.

      • checks : [OPTIONAL] boolean values indicating which validation tests will be performed. Schema validation is MANDATORY and can not be changed. Constraint validation and Best Practice validation are both optional. Best Practice validation may only be performed when Constraint validation is also enabled. Constraint validation is also required when profile-based validation tests are to be performed. Defaults for both options when not explicitly set are 'Y'. This property value is case-sensitive and must be specified as either Y or N

      • logging :

        • level : [OPTIONAL] the minimum level of messages to be included in the output log. Allowed values are:
          { "Verbose", "Warning", "Error", "Info"}
          The default when not specified is Warning .

        • output : [OPTIONAL] file to write the log to. If not specified, the log is not saved. The path may be absolute or relative. If relative, the location of the script file is the starting point for resolving the full path.

    • A set of Manifest files to be processed. These are specified as a JSON Array. Properties are:

      • file : [REQUIRED] Path to a either a manifest file or a directory containing one or more manifest files. If relative, the starting point for resolving the full path is the pathPrefix .

      • profile : [OPTIONAL] Defaults to none . This property is ignored when constraint validation has been disabled.

3.3.2) Examples

The following is an example of script that validates two Manifest files plus any Manifests found in a specific folder and then saves the message log in an output file:


The next two examples illustrate the use, or non-use, of the pathPrefix . In the first example, all relative paths are resolved using the present working directory as the base. Both foo1.xml and foo2.xml should therefore be in the pwd .


In the next example, foo1.xml and foo2.xml are still co-located but are now in in a sub-directory of the directory containing the script file. foo3.xml should still be in the same location as the previous examples since it is specified using an absolute path.
