Release Notes

Release 1.5.1

Status: Released



This release is available as an executable Java jar which supports the processing of either Avails or Manifest files. The latest jar may be downloaded from the project's GitHub repository.

Support for native executables for OS-X, Windows, and Linux has been dropped as of Release 1.5. Note that the executable Java jar provides support for both the Avails and Manifest Validators, in contrast to the OS-specific executables in which there was a separate executable for each validation tool.

Users who do not wish to download and install the desktop version of the MDDF Tool Suite may still access the tools by using the on-line MDDF Services. While primarily intended for browser-based usage, they may also be accessed via scripts (e.g. using curl ) or by any other software with the ability to make use of a REST API.

Source Code

Source code is available on the Movie Labs mddf GitHub repository and is under an open source license. If you would like more information, please contact us.

Change Log

This release of the desktop Validation tool has been upgraded to use the latest mddf-lib release. Changes are:

  • Enhancement: CM v2.7.1, Manifest v 1.8.1, and Avails v1.8 support added
  • Enhancement: When translating an Avail to XML, a comment is inserted, providing an audit trail
  • Enhancement: Prompting of user for Avails version when processing XLSX file
  • Enhancement: Automatic and on-demand checking for updates to software
  • Bug Fix: Validation of sequences and indices now allows non-zero values on case-by-case basis
  • Bug Fix: WARNINGS due to structure checks were invalidating file
  • Bug Fix: Translation of Avails to XML dropped any AltID source that used an EIDR
  • Bug Fix: Translation of Avails to XML dropped AvailMetadata/EpisodeTitleID
  • Bug Fix: Launching of internal XML Editor required lower case file-type suffix
  • Bug Fix: added missing validation checks for all DigitalAsset types
  • Bug Fix: structure check of RefALID threw XML parse exception

Known Bugs

  • consistency of Encoding/ChannelMapping is not checked when the number of Audio channels is 1.
  • Conversion to Avails 1.8 format is not yet supported.