Release Notes and Executables

Release 1.0

Status: Stable - released for review & comments



Source code is on GitHub. If you would like more information, please contact us.


This release of the desktop Avails Validation tool contains bug fixes and UI enhancements that were identified during the review phase of v0.9. There have been no changes to the basic functionality of the tool. It supports processing of both XLSX and XML formatted Avails files.

  • XML may be specified in conformance with either v2.1 or v2.2 of the EMA Content Availability Metadata specification.
  • XLSX must be specified in conformance with v1.7 or v1.6 of the Avails Spreadsheet Template.
Specifications and templates may be obtained from the MovieLabs Content Availability Metadata web-page.

Primary features are:

  • EMA  Avails Metadata validation.
  • Integrated XML editor -- intended for making corrections in an Avails file that doesn't yet validate.
  • Conversion of XLSX Avails file into XML.

New Features and Bug Fixes:

  • Validation Excel Avails based on v1.6 templates
  • improved control, display, and filtering of logging output
  • markers in XML editor refresh after re-validation
  • allows either 1 or 2 rows of column headers in XLSX files
  • detect XLSX spreadsheets based on unsupported versions
  • persistence of user preferences and usage history between sessions
  • additional UI controls for selecting file to be processed

Known Issues

  • Validation of XML Avails based on versions of the specification prior to V2.1 is not supported.
  • Validation of v1.6 Excel Avails does not properly handle ratings specific to sub-regions of a country (i.e., a province or canton).
  • Excel files must be in xlsx format.
  • Validation of Excel Avails files is limited to a single sheet.
  • No current support for translating XML Avails file into Excel spreadsheets

Other Changes
